
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

How To Grow Your Visalus Profits

By Eduardo Kooliantra

Visalus reps: Are you looking to become a top earner? If so, keep reading.

If you seek to become a top earner, you need a way to promote to thousands of people- not just to the small number of friends and family network marketers are taught to approach.

You've got to learn to acquire customers and business partners the way nearly all legitimate businesses do: through marketing!

Below are 3 strategies 7-figure earners taught me I have successfully used to take my business to an entirely new level:

- Leverage Twitter

Twitter is a social networking websites that permits people to post and read short snippets of text known as tweets. With more than 100 million active users, Twitter is a terrific way to get exposure on the Internet to grow your Visalus business.

You can build a viral tribe of followers on Twitter. Using Twitter is pretty easy. Simply create a Twitter account and start following others.

Focus on following people who are following network marketing gurus or industry leaders. These people have signaled an interest in network marketing. A large percentage of people you follow on Twitter will follow you as well.

Using attraction marketing on Twitter is very effective. To do so, tweet about topics that solve network marketers' problems. Tweet topics to consider:

- Lessons learned that can assist other business owners

- Your favorite quotes

- Questions for other marketers

Do NOT spam Twitter with promotional content about your Visalus opportunity. Network marketers on Twitter do NOT want to hear you rave about Visalus. Twitter is a starting point for you to draw other network marketers into your world. Drive people from Twitter to your blog, where your instructional content positions you as an authority. Develop a relationship with your following. A portion of your followers will want to join your Visalus downline.

- Never Promote A Company Replicated Website Online

Here's how networkers in companies like Visalus usually try to market online: They get set up with a replicated website from their company.

Next they mass-spam a bunch of people they know by email to shout about: The company's pre-launch buzz...The superstar management team...The innovative products. Seem familiar? Next the marketer will include a hyperlink to their replicated site. And they'll sit around and wait for people to sign up.

Then NOBODY signs up as a rep in their business. Do you know what's wrong with this approach? Let's think about the following: If you use a replicated website, do you stand out from the tens of thousands of reps in your company doing the EXACT same thing?

Do you realize there are THOUSANDS of spammy marketers in HUNDREDS of different companies spouting the exact same type of hype about their company? There is only ONE style of replicated website you should ever consider using. It's NOT the fixed sort network marketing companies such as Visalus provide.

You've got to use a replicated website, provided by a third party, you can greatly revise with your own original headlines, videos and other content. Almost 100% of top producers in companies similar to Visalus use a website system that's heavily customized. Pick a customizable website system that positions you as an expert, not merely a Visalus distributor.

- Use the Phone To Grow Your Income

Pick up the phone and call your leads. This is one of the fastest ways to boost your Visalus income. In many case, reps in companies such as Visalus who begin marketing online totally lose sight of the basics. The prospects you generate online want to hear from you by phone. Your prospects want to know you're a real person, not just someone they see on the Internet. Connect by phone!

What you think about and feel emotionally will influence your phone skills. Your prospects will pick up on your energy, so you must have a strong mindset and project great energy. Your influence will decline if you embody any of the following:

- Low self confidence

- Discomfort that you are a network marketer

- Making excuses about how little time you have

You must develop very strong posture. Posture is the state of belief you will absolutely succeed no matter what, and you can assist others to do the same. A few elements contribute to having strong posture:

- A mindset of focus, confidence and calm

- Knowing you have good skills relevant to your business

- An abundance of leads you can expose to your Visalus opportunity

When you have very few leads, each of those leads becomes really significant to you. You will tend to get nervous about the outcome of each call, and your prospects will sense your fear. Lead abundance promotes confidence. This translates to better posture on the phone.

Get on the phone with your prospects. Inquire about their business needs. Really listen to what they say.. Learn to close your prospects over the phone.

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